Most of the microscopes that we are using in the Imaging and Optics Facility have laser light sources. Therefore every user has to be trained for laser safety to get access to our microscope labs. This is happening for the first time during our Introduction to Newcomers which is held regularly and can be requested via our PPMS booking system. This is followed by a moodle quiz, which acts as a documentation. The moodle quiz then has to be repeated annually as a refresher training to keep your facility room access active.
Once you have done the “Introduction to Newcomers” you can get trained for our microscopes. During the training your trainer will point out the laser classification of the light source, the safety measures of the specific setup, the safety rules of the lab and the location of the laser safety goggles for the setup. When you book a microscope for the first time in PPMS, you have to agree online to the “Confirmation of laser safety instructions” document that is attached to each setup in PPMS.