PreSemester MICROSCOPY Course 2024/2025

September 23, 2024 @ 09:00 – October 4, 2024 @ 17:15
ISTA campus
Am Campus 1
3400 Klosterneuburg

PreSemester MICROSCOPY Course 2024/2025

The (pre-semester) microscopy course is organized by the Imaging & Optics Facility (IOF) and aims to generate the understanding of how to design your experiments using matching imaging techniques. As a red line we raise awareness of the importance of proper data acquisition and the timely image analysis assessments during essay establishment: timely assay-evaluation is critical to determine if the fundamental ‘properties of process of interest’ can be resolved and quantified by the used imaging approach. To this aim, participants will be introduced to contemporary microscopy techniques, with a focus on the methods that are available at ISTA campus. Lectures will cover microscopy-related principles of optics, principles of fluorescence, anatomy of the microscope, sample preparation, methods of optical sectioning, image acquisition methods, super-resolution technologies, basics of electron microscopy and the basics of data analysis.



The Imaging & Optics Facility is providing the ‘Annual Microscopy Course’ – split over 2 weeks:

– week 1:

  • Sep 23 (Monday) 9.00-13.00 – Mondi 3
  • Sep 24 (Tuesday) 9.00-17.15 – Mondi 3
  • Sep 24 (Friday) 13.00-17.15 – Mondi 3

– week 2:

  • Sept 25 (Monday) 9.00-12.30 – Mondi 3
  • Oct 1 (Tuesday) 9.00-12.30 – Mondi 3
  • Oct 2 (Wednesday) 9.00-12.30 – Mondi 3
  • Oct 3 (Thursday) 9.00-12.30 – Mondi 3
  • Oct 4 (Friday) 9.00-12.30 – Mondi 3


wk date start end type groups 1 groups 2 groups 3 groups 4
week 1 Mon Sept 23 9:00 9:30 welcome Intro to facility & course organization
9:30 10:45 lecture / demo Anatomy of the microscope
10:45 12:00 lecture / demo Intro to Fluorescence
Tues Sept 24 9:00 10:30 lecture (1h30) Optical sectioning
10:30 11:59 lecture (1h30) Scientific cameras
12:01 12:45 lunch (0h45)
13:00 14:55 System-demo (1h55) widefield / TIRF widefield / TIRF Cytometry Cytometry
14:55 15:05 change-break change at Mondi 3
15:05 17:00 System-demo (1h55) Cytometry Cytometry widefield / TIRF widefield / TIRF
Fri, Sept 27
13:00 14:30 lecture (1h30) Intro to optics
14:30 14:45 change-break change at Mondi 2
14:45 17:00 lecture (1h30) Sample preparation
week2 Mon, Sept 30
9:00 10:30 System-demo (1.5h) Confocal & Airyscan Confocal & Airyscan Spinning Disk Spinning Disk
10:30 10:45 change-break change at Mondi 2
10:45 12:30 System-demo (1.5h) Spinning Disk Spinning Disk Confocal & Airyscan Confocal & Airyscan
Tue Oct 1
Advanced tech.
9:00 10:30 System-demo (1.5h) light sheet MP
10:30 10:45 change-break change at Mondi 2
10:45 12:30 System-demo (1.5h) MP light sheet
Wed Oct 2
High res.
9:00 10:30 lecture (1h30) Super-resolution technologies & Deconvolution
10:30 12:30 lecture (1h30) Intro to Electron Microscopy
Thu, Oct 3 13:00 14:00 lecture What is a digital image?
14:10 15:25 demonstration Intro to image analysis (basics of FIJI)
15:30 16:30 lecture ImageJ / FIJI: image analysis
Fri, Oct 4 13:00 14:30 lecture Machine learning in image analysis
14:45 16:20 demonstration What  to use for what: Arrivis / Imaris / Huygens / Zen / JOBS …
16:20 16:30 recap recap & exam details



Details for registration for the course will be made available on the GraduateSchool ISTA Athena.

Athena: C_OTH-301_F24 (credit); A_OTH-301_F24 (Audit) uses the online Moodle Platform (to be updated).


  • ‘Students’  join for 2 ECTS credits and will have manditory participation in all lectures, on-system demonstrations (100% attendance required) and require to complete an exam at the end of the course (max 12 students)
  • ‘Audit Students’ can join lectures and we will fill up vacant hands-on spots by order of registration (Zoom links will be shared to registered participants)
  • All lectures can be followed in hybrid: credit-students attendance required!


Your Imaging & Optics Facility team