04. Spinning Disk / Multi-point Confocal
Spinning Disk microscopes – also known as ‘Multi-point Confocal microscope’ are fast camera-based imaging systems. Spining Disk Confocals technology induces low phototoxicity and reduced photo-bleaching effects compared to point scanning micrscopes and are therefore a good match for live imaging but als excell in aquisition of large data volumes (cleared tissues, expanded samples or brain sections). Most systems have been equipped with incubators chambers or temperature-contolled stages inserts, CO2 gas mixers and/or a variety of (custom) stage inserts. In addition, Spinning-disk confocal machine park allows many options to cusomize automation routines, as well as feed-back routines allow the triggering of external hard-ware during aquisition → please approach for custom automation project request.
05. Multi-modal multi-point Confocal
‘Multi-modal multi-point confocal system‘ are also fast camera-based imaging system – similar to our Spining Disk Confocal Micrscopes – but host additional modalities, such as Widefield, Super-resolution (SRRF, SoRa) or TIRF modalities. Different modalities can be combined in both live and fixed samples of different volumes. The systems have been equipped with temperature incubators, CO2 gas mixers and/or a variety of (custom) stage inserts.