
The vertical confocal microscope was a world premiere that has been developed in collaboration between the Imaging and Optics Facility, staff scientist, and research groups at IST Austria. The (Root-)Tracker allows to track and image a sample over a prolonged period of time.

More details about the system can be found in the following publication : https://elifesciences.org/articles/26792

Update 20.01.2020: The tracker is expanded to all our other LSM800 confocal systems, since it can be applied to different kind of samples (see also video).

Update 01.03.2019: It takes 2,…

A second vertical LSM800 was added, this one also facilitates sub-resolution imaging by using airyscan imaging

  1. Zeiss LSM800-05 – Vertical Confocal Microscope I (right)
  2. Zeiss LSM800-06+airyscan – Vertical Confocal Microscope II (left)