Zeiss LSM-09 (980 upright)

This Laser Scanning Microscope (LSM) is an confocal platform that is explicitly specialized for advanced imaging applications of both life science and material science applications. The system is specified for Super-resolution microscopy (Airyscan 2); Spectral analysis of complex samples (>5 channels, as well as equipment for Reflected light material applications, with Objective lenses for highly accurate topographic measurements & Reflected light -based material topology applications. Additional trainings are required to be able to make use of the different applications.

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Location: I24.U1.031

Specification: Zeiss Axio Imager Z2 upright microscope, with Definite Focus 3

  • 4 channel GaASP Spectral Detector
  • 2x GaAsP PMT
  • 1x AiryScan2: super-resolution detector + multiplex option (up to 8x parallelization)
  • 1x transmitted light (T-PMT) detector
  • Axiocam 305 monochrome R2 CMOS Camera (2464 x 2056 pixels; 3.5 micon2 / pixel)
  • Automated Piezo stage (XY)
  • Equipment for Reflected light material applications Objective lenses for highly accurate topographic measurements, specially recommended for the use with 405nm laser

Software & Modules: Zen Blue 3.10

  • Spectral Imaging (limited to 4 +2 channels)
  • Reflected fluorescence illumination
  • Advanced Acquisition: z-stacks; tiles;
  • ZEN Toolkit Smart Acquisition: Experiment Designer; Guided Acquisition; Experiment Feedback; AI sample finder
  • ZEN Toolkit 2D and 3D
  • ZEN Toolkit Connect
  • ZEN Toolkit Developer
  • ZEN Sample Navigator
  • ZEN LSM Plus deconvolution
  • Airyscan multiplex and deconvolution
  • ZEN Confocal Topography (material applications)

Illumination / excitation:

  1. X-Cite Xylis LED, with peaks at 385nm, 430nm, 474nm, 545nm, 650nm and 735nm
  2. Laser lines: 405nm, 445nm, 488nm, 514nm, 561nm, 639nm
  3. Halogen Transmitted light (visual examination)

Sample conditioning:

  1. Temperature chamber

Objectives (M27 thread)

  1. EC Plan-Neofluar 2.5x / NA0.085/ WD 8.8 mm – Air (sample finder)
  2. Plan-Apochromat 10x  / NA0.45 / WD 2.0 mm – Air
  3. Plan-Apochromat 40x / NA 1.4/WD 0.13 mm DIC – Oil
  4. C Epiplan-Apochromat 20x/NA0.7/FWD=1.3mm DIC  – Air; Optimized for 405 nm (Matterial Applications)
  5. LD C Epiplan-Apochromat 50x/NA0.6/FWD=7.6mm DIC – Air; Optimized for 405 nm (Matterial Applications)

PC: HP Z8 G5 workstation

  • Intel® Xeon® CPU W7-3455  @ 2.5GHz
  • 80GB RAM
  • NVIDIA RTX A5000
  • 10TB data drive + 8Tb SSD

Additional information



Fluorescent Lightsource

Laser: 405±5 nm, Laser: 445±5nm, Laser: 488±5 nm, Laser: 514±5nm, Laser: 561±5 nm, Laser: 640±5 nm, LED: 385-395nm, LED: 430-450nm, LED: 470-475nm, LED: 545-555nm, LED: 640-650nm, LED: 730-740nm

Camera / Detector

CMOS, MA-PMT, GaAsP-PMT, Airyscan (SR), QUASAR (spectral), T-PMT


Illumination: Fluorescence, Illumination: Bightfield, Illumination: DIC, Automated Stage, Z-piezo / galvo Stage

Technology / Application

FRAP, FRET, Time-lapse recording, Multi-position, In-vivo imaging, Material topology, Reflection Microscopy, Spectral Imaging, SR: Airyscan (140nm), Surface Topography