Confocal laser scanning microscopy is a flexible technology that suits many imaging applications. Our confocal machine park consists a diverse set of confocal microscopes in upright (↓), inverted (↑) and vertical (↔) orientation. Different applications are available, such as Airyscan, FRAP, FLIM, as well as options to automate routines, such as in the ‘experiment designer’. Using ZEN Connect, widefield image data (e.g. slide scanner images) can be opened and navigated through to assist setup of imaging, or add multidimensional datasets. Many of the confocal setups have been equipped with incubators or (custom) heated stage inserts and/or CO2 gas mixers. A dual pipette aspiration assay has been added to the Leica SP5 inverted microscope.
- Leica SP5 inverted (i04.U1.019) – to be retired soon!
- MA-PMT + 2 x HyD + 3 x PMT + 1 x MA-PMT
- dual pipette aspiration setup + motorized stage
- Leica Stellaris 5 inverted (i04.U1.019)
- White light laser (485 – 685 nm) + Time-Gated Acquisition
- 405, 561 633 nm diode laser lines
- 3x HyD S + 1 x MA-PMT
- Dual pipette aspiration setup + motorized stage
- Leica sp8 upright (i04.U1.015)
- White light laser (470 – 670 nm) + FALCON-FLIM
- 405 nm diode laser line
- 1 x MA-PMT + 2 x PMT, 1 x HyD, 1 x cooled Hyd
- motorized stage + stage incubator
- Leica sp8 inverted (i04.U1.015)
- White light laser (470 – 670 nm) + FALCON-FLIM
- Argon laser CW lines: 458, 476, 488, 496, 514 nm
- 405, 561, 633 nm diode laser lines
- 2 x PMT, 2 x HyD, 1 x cooled Hyd + 1 x MA-PMT
- motorized stage + stage incubator
- Zeiss LSM800-01 inverted (i06.U1.405)
- 2 x GaAsP + 1 x ESID
- incubation chamber + CO2 + motorized stage
- Zeiss LSM800-02 upright (i06.U1.403)
- 2 x GaAsP + Airyscan (63x only) + 1 x ESID
- incubation chamber + manipulator (physiology) + motorized stage
- Zeiss LSM800-03 inverted (i06.U1.406)
- 2 x MA-PMT + 1 x ESID
- non-temperature sensitive samples (fixed) + motorized stage
- Zeiss LSM800-04 inverted (I04.UG.118)
- 2 x GaAsP + Airyscan (63x only) + 1 x ESID
- incubation chamber + CO2 + motorized stage
- Zeiss LSM800-05 Vertical-I (I04.03.014)
- 2 x MA-PMT + 1 x ESID
- rotation stage + root tracker
- Zeiss LSM800-06 Vertical-II + Airyscan (I04.03.014)
- 2 x MA-PMT + Airyscan (63x only) + 1 x ESID
- motorized stage
- Zeiss LSM880 Upright + Airyscan (i06.U1.403):
- 2 x GaAsP + Airyscan (40x / 63x) + 1 x MA-PMT
- incubation chamber + CO2 + motorized stage
- Zeiss LSM880 inverted + Fast Airyscan (i06.U1.406):
- 2 x GaAsP + Airyscan (40x / 63x) + 1 x MA-PMT
- incubation chamber + CO2 + motorized stage
- Zeiss LSM900-01 upright (i04.U1.015):
- 2 x GaAsP + Airyscan4 (40x optimised) + 1 x T-PMT
- incubation chamber + motorized stage + Sample Navigator