Equipment Selection

The Imaging and Optics Facility is facilitating the use and maintenance of an wide variety of advanced Microscopy, Imaging analysis and Cytometry devices, as well as software licenses, applications for force probing,  material characterization & -rheology and additional system accessories. Before anyone can make use of any system, users need to complete a training by the Imaging and Optics Facility Facility team before bookings can be made.

IOF machine-park houses a manifold of different imaging technologies that enable a wide spectrum of different applications of varying levels of complexity. To clarify the complexity of the different systems, we rank the level of complexity in levels, that relate to an default training & learning investment:

Description of System Levels

• Level 0: only requires ‘introduction to Imaging & Optics Facility’ (Stereo; Analysis Workstations, etc)

• Level 1: requires 2 × training → standard Widefield and Confocal applications

• Level 2: requires 2 × training + 1 assisted session / additional training required → Spinning Disk, Multi Modal, Advanced Applications & Assays (FLIM, UV ablation, pipette aspiration, …)

• Level 3: requires 2 × trainings + Assisted Sessions + System configuration by IOF staff* → AFM / Light-sheet* / Multi-photon*

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Showing 17–18 of 18 results