Multiphoton microscopy relies on the simultaneous absorption of two or more photons by a fluorophore, most often using infra-red laser. Multiphoton microscopy most significan atvanteage over other technoligies is that it allows exceptionally deep light penetration with less phototoxicity. It therefore best used for ‘non-invasive’ imaging in living samples / organism. Our multiphoton system allows a very large working space, resonance scanner and allows Fluorescent Life-Time imaging applications (FLIM).
- 4Tune (3xHyD+1PMT)
- FLIM module
- Motorized stage
- Confocal (2HyD+1PMT)
Retired multi-photon systems
- LaVision TRIMscope MP upright (room i04.U1.018): RETIRED in 2020
- LaVision TRIMscope MP inverted + FLIM (room i04.U1.019): RETIRED in 2021