Leica SP5 Upright

SYSTEM RETIRED – please see Leica SP8 upright WWL – FALCON

Location: room i04.U1.018


  • Laser lines 405, 458, 488, 514, 561, 633
  • 5 PMTs with free selection of detection range. Brightfield detector for transmitted light.
  • Motorized stage for multiple position imaging. Temperature-control chamber

Objectives (M25 thread):

1: HCX PL APO 63x/1.4-0.6 OIL Lbd bl (11506192), WD=0.1 mm
2: HCX APO L 63x/0.9 W U-V-I (11506148), WD=2.2 mm  !!!!book it!!!!
3: HCX APO L 40x/0.8 W U-V-I (11506155), WD=3.3 mm
4: HCX IRAPO L 25x/0.95 W (11506323), WD=2.5 mm
5: HCX PL APO 63x/1.1 W CORR CS (11506279), WD=0.22 mm, D=0.14-0.18 mm !!!!book it!!!!
6: HC PL FL 10x/0.3 PH1 (11506507), WD=11.0 mm
not mounted: HCX APO L 20x/0.5 W U-V-I (11506147), WD=3.5 mm
  • filter for visual examination
I3- GFP filter BP450-490(excitation) / LP515 (emission)
N2.1 – TRITC filter BP515-560 (excitation) / LP590 (emission)
A4 – DAPI filter BP360/40 (excitation) / LP400/BP470/40 (emission)

Contact persons:

Manual Detailed description and manual: Leica SP5 Upright confocal (pdf)